Centuries-old remnants found in Alamut castle

TEHRAN – A team of Iranian archaeologists has recently recovered a range of centuries-old structures in the ruined Alamut castle, Qazvin province.
The team founded vestiges of interior spaces which date back to the times of Qajar dynasty (1789–1925), Safavids (1501–1736) and Nizari Ismaili state (1090–1256), CHTN reported on Sunday.
It is the 14th season of excavation currently being carried out on the site after five years of halt, the report said.
Pottery pieces, architectural decorations, tiles and bricks, stone and metal objects, coins, oysters and bones are amongst objects founded during the earlier seasons.
Also known as the castle of the Assassins, the 12th-century structure is nested on top of a peak. It was once a shelter for the followers of Hasan-e Sabbah (1070–1124) who was a spiritual leader of an Islamic sect.
In early 1930s, British-Italian explorer and travel writer Freya Stark described her exploration of the place in her book “The Valleys of the Assassins”.
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